Friday, April 07, 2006

"But Wait, You Haven't Seen The Big Finale!"

What up, dudes?

Another slow Friday afternoon, and I guess I can't complain too much about that, as a slow Friday afternoon is probably preferable to a busy one. But the problem with times when things are slow is the question of how to best occupy said time. Since I don't have much else right now demanding my attention, I could be doing all manner of productive things, at least in theory. But am I? Hmm, not really. But don't worry, I am using this downtime to update the blog, which is of course always of paramount importance, so that all three of my loyal readers can have their days made.

Looking back on this blog and it's history, I have to say I am kind of disappointed with the blog's current state. Back in the day it was more real, more raw, and more interesting, as far as I can tell. So wha happen'? I think it's just a combo of things. World events are less interesting. Professionally, I'm kind of just doing the same old same old -- no exciting celebrity sightings to report on, and none of the crazy daily experiences I had as an NBC Page. It's mostly just come in to the office, do what is asked of me, and check out for the day. Sure, I'm happy to be in a job where everything is laid back and I don't have to deal with any crazy personalities, but at the same time it's hard to motivte myself each and every day to give 110 %. I need to just metaphorically slap myself every so often and say "look, kid, this is what you need to do -- these are your goals." I fear that the slow pace of this job may be making me lazy, and that is not a good thing because I have a lot to do.

I think being so isolated in my current office really makes you realize how important having others around you as motivation is. When a bunch of people are excited about something, then that motivates you. When everyone is competing to do a good job, that motivates you. When there's something o nthe line each and every day, that's what motivates you to strive to do your best.

That's what's so great about doing something creative for a living. I mean, look at the people who work on a show like Conan. Every day they create a new piece of television, and at the end of each day they can look at it, evaluate it, and think "job well done." They have created something that makes an impact. Honestly, unless that is what I'm doing on a daily basis, I don't think I'll ever really be satisfied.

Okay, I am definitely rambling here. But that's what happens when you're sitting at a desk on an empty floor of the Universal lot, completely alone with nothing to do. Coherant thought becomes difficult. Wit becomes a challenge. Humor is tough to muster.

And thus the blog, unfortunately, suffers.

Then there's the NBC factor. Even from my somewhat isolated perch here on the lot, I get a great glimpse of the inenr workings of this company. Would make for some interesting blogs. But now that I am no longer a naive page, it just seems too risky to talk about company matters. So for now, that stuff is going to be left out of what you read here.

Also, the audience of the blog has changed. At first few if any read it, and it was easy to write about almost anyone or anything, which made for some good readin'. Then my coworkers began reading it, which opened up a whole new can of worms. Then, my PARENTS of all people began not only reading, but actually ANALYZING my blog to search for hidden clues as to what I was REALLY up to here in CA. So now each week I must endure pointed questions concerning my latest blog entry from the homefront, with the expected amount of things taken out of context, blatant misreadings, and overanalysis of all humor, jokes, wiiticims, and sarcasm. I mean, how did Dave Barry deal with this crap?

So yeah, in my earnest quest to promote and hype up my blog as the coolest, most awesome-est thing ever, I have inadvertantly boxed myself into a corner - one which I guess all writers soon find themselves in. Do you put yourself out there in the name of good writing and just brace for the fallout, or do you censor yourself in order not to offend?

Well, in the name of professionalism and inabilty to deal with overanalysis of my writing, I am going to continue to try to show some restraint in what I write about. But even in doing so, I won't hesitate to get to that tipping point where the words begin to flow like gravy and the humor, enthusiasm, and fun of this blog reaches its crescendo.

So YEAH, keep checking RIGHT HERE for the best in blogtitude.



Well, after one week of PURE AWFULNESS, Smallville returned with a darn good episode. Contrary to what the previews seemed to indicate, this ep had some sharp writing, some bits of coolness, and some nice character development, even if the plot was still pretty hoaky. But as a card-carrying Superman fanboy, I loved Lex's vision of his dead mother , chiding him for the hundreds of murders he will eventually commit. As we saw the black-gloved Lex reacting with horror to his mother's apparition, I was definitely thinking "cool!" which was prob what the writers were going for. Nice to see John Kent back again, even if in ghost form, and as annoying as Lana is now, at least they are doing SOMETHING different with her now and finally moving towards sealing the deal between her and Lex. Next week's ep looks potentially super sweet, but as for this one, all I can say is welcome back Smallville. My grade: B+


Like I've said before, this show has all the tools to be a classic comedy. It just needs sharper writing. And this week's ep was a perfect example. It had a funny premise, the usual great cast plus a great guest star in Juliette Lewis, and had lots of potential. It just was never all that funny, because the actual jokes were lacking. Sure, I enjoyed the ep, but did I love it? Not really. Did I laugh out loud? Maybe once or twice, but hardly. On Ain't It Cool News someone described this show as Raising Arizona written by the people behind Yes, Dear. And I tend to agree. I would love to see it break out of its shell and just kick comedic ass, but it will need some retooling creatively. It's too bad because Jason Lee and Ethan Suplee have gotta be two of the most talented performers out there. My grade: B -


Wow -- another GREAT episode. It's nice that after having such mixed feelings about LOST, I can watch this episode and just wholeheartedly enjoy it on multiple levels. I REALLY hope the ratings pick up next TUESDAY, as hopefully the new night will get some Lost devotees to check out TV's actual best mystery show - VERONICA MARS. This ep just had so much going on, and the character dynamics were just handled really well. The changing / developing relationships between Veronica and Logan, Wallace and his various women, Kieth and Mayor Goodman (what is he hiding? Damn you Steve Gutenberg - we KNOW that it was the STONECUTTERS who made you a star [Simpsons reference] ... ), and especially Mac and her boyfriend were all very entertaining to watch unfold. And great plot development -- awesome ending! The mysteries are really building, and business is really picking up. THAT'S how you do a cliffhanger / shocking ending -- take note all TV shows not named 24. Oh, random GOLDBERG cameo! Who's next?!?! Great stuff all around, my only complaint as is often the case is that the plot did sometimes get a little TOO convoluted to the point where even a devoted Mars watcher like myself had trouble figuring it all out. Then again, that IS part of the fun of the show, so I can only complain so much. My grade: A


- These Conan O'Brien Lord of the Rings The Musical parodies over the last week have been brilliant. That's where my title quote is from, BTW. Check em out if you missed 'em -- comedic gold!

- Speaking of comedic gold on Conan - scour the internet for Wednesday's appearance by a DRUNK Michael Jackson on Conan. Nope, not THAT MJ - this random beer expert, yes, a legit expert and author on the subject, named Michael Jackson. He appeared on Conan's show to talk all things beer, but really took it to extremes by showing up TRASHED, unbuttoned fly and all. Friggin' HILARIOUS.

- It's the WEEKEND! Woohoo!

- This coming Wednesday: Home to CT for Passover until Sunday. Already looking forward to a post-Passover BREAD filled meal.

- Still need to get my CA license. Damn the DMV and their limited hours of operation!

- Still need to get my new cellphone. Damn Verizon and their non-functional website!

- My DVD collection is overflowing! Must get a new rack to hold em all. Recent additions to the stash include King Kong, Narnia, Conan The Barbarian double pack (don't laugh these movies freaking rock!), The Truman Show, and Seinfeld Season 4. (Note to all LA'ers -- the Sam Goody at Universal Citywalk is going out of business and right now everything in the store is a ridiculous 60% off).

- What? No takers for Pearl Jam in LA in July? Come on!

- Congrats to everyone's favorite crazy Rabbi-turned-TV personality, Rabbi Schmooley Boteach, on gettign a new reality show! I have the honor of having attended one of Schmooley's birthday celebrations two years ago, courtesy of Schmooley's assistant turned live-in indentured servant Eryka, and it was a night I will not soon forget. Le'chaim!

- Alright, that's it for now. Have a good weekend, and as usual feel free to immediately forget / ignore / disregard everything you've just read. Except the good stuff, that is.


Anonymous Tina said...

I just happened to see that episode of Conan with Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson was pretty funny, but I loved how Jon Lovitz added to the madness.

Did you see? 3 more years of Jack Bauer!

9:27 AM  
Anonymous Danny B said...

Haha yeah I love Jon Lovitz, I mean he's even funny in those stupid Subway commercials. And yes, 3 more years of Jack Bauer on 24! Or could this merely be an elaborate ruse to make us THINK that Jack is safe from harm? Hmmm ...

11:30 AM  

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