Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Company Man

Well, I'm sure many of you have just been clicking reload on your browsers over and over again, just hoping for an update to ye olde blog, anxiously awaiting any bit of new news about my mysteriously uncertain job situation.

Oh, right, that was just me.

Yes, it's true - my job situation in the last week has been so nuts that even I have been checking my own blog, in some feeble attempt to figure out just what in the name of Zucker is going on here.

Unfortunately, checking my own blog yielded little to no pertinent information, except for some rigamaroll about a new easier-to-read design and a bunch of other nerd crap.

So it's time to get down to business. Real business. Manly business.

My job situation - complete and total chaos. First - the background. My old boss, Lloyd, decided to leave NBC. Working with Lloyd these last few months has been a great experience - he's been great and allowed me to participate in meetings and calls, and all the while been laid back, supportive, and friendly.

But with Lloyd leaving, it left my job prospects uncertain. So of course I assumed the worst and began the job search once again, taking Lloyd's departure as a sign that it was time to perhaps change direction a bit, re-focus on the creative side of things and ditch the more corporate side of the entertainment biz while the getting was good. Providing, of course, that I actually no longer had a job doing what I've been doing - working with I-Tunes and EST (electronic sell-through).

So with Lloyd's official departure on Monday, things happened quickly, but of course quickly doesn't always mean decisively. At first, I thought I'd spend the next few weeks on the ol' 7th floor of 2160 on the Universal Lot, until the word came either that I was being kept on or given the boot. Then I was going to be moved to the nearby Universal tower, where I'd be closer to the distribution group who Lloyd and I have worked closely with on our I-tunes projects. While I was unsure about the move, I went down to visit and soon realized that it'd be a nice change to be around actual people during the day, and I would have been located nearby to many friends from the Page Program as well as other friendly faces whom I've met from my time at NBC-Uni. I spent much of Monday morning and afternoon coordinating the logistics of the move, and everything seemed to be in place.

Soon enough of course, plans changed. Now I was no longer to go to the Tower. Instead, word came down that I was to be moved to the Pinnacle building in Burbank - down the street from NBC Studios, where some groups from NBC and Universal have offices, including the man who would now be assuming many of Lloyd's old responsibilities. I've never been to the Pinnacle building, but I hear it's nice (with a name like Pinnacle, it'd better be), but right now I can only wonder if this will in fact end up being my new base of operations (base of operations, I like the sound of that ...). And will I be working there for a few weeks until the axe falls down, or will I be wooed to stay at the Peacock and given the VIP treatment, soakin' in the bling befo' "I hit twenty-fo'. Hahahaha .... I'm funny.

But yeah, yesterday was crazy stressful. The funny part is that some people now think I'm in charge of I-Tunes. Which I kind of am, in a way, but then again not really. I just have to assume my authoratative "camp counsellor / teacher voice" and act like I know what I'm doing. Could simply ACTING as if you're a big deal actually lead to one BECOMING a big deal? It's the secret that Hollywood assholes everywhere know and neurotic Jewish guys everywhere don't. Oy.

So the rest of the week will be interesting. I have a high-powered meeting (cuz that's how I roll) later today to get a status update on the job. Should be interesting.

But yeah, got to love all this corporate craziness. I'm kind of on the edge right now where it looks like I MIGHT have a number of opportunities banging down my door. Then, in a week's time I may have zero. Who knows.

That's what's up right now though, stay tuned for updates. Tower or Pinnacle? Jobless or high-powered exec? Soup or salad?

My future now rests in the hands of fate (and a bunch of other people, but who cares about them).


- I'm still upset about my last blog entry being unceremoniously deleted by Blogger. If it had been posted, you'd know about my opinion of Wendy's new Frescatta sandwiches (not bad), and of the NY Times article from last week, in which Bryan Singer claims that Superman Returns will be one giant chick-flick (WHY LORD WHY).

- This past weekend: mostly spent recuperating from the preceding week of madness. Did take in ECW: One Night Stand, which provided some intense hardcore fighting action, as me and Brian G gathered for a solid block of extreeeeeeeeeeme matches and death-defying stunts. Sabu vs. Rey Mysterio along with the insane crowd for RVD vs. Cena were some highlights. EC-Dub!

- I am also the proud new owner of a Nintendo DS Lite, along with New Super Mario Bros. Holy crap, this thing is awesome -- sleek like an I-Pod, but a lot more fun - the newly redesigned DS has the brightest handheld screen I've ever seen and is just soooo cool. New Super Maro Bros is liek the dream game I've been waiting ten years for - a new, 2-D Mario game? I'm there, baby. Now where are the other cool games?

- NBA Finals: Dallas is OWNING Miami, and totally shut down the Shaq-Diesel in Game 2. Game 3 tonight is gonna be interesting. It's do or die for Miami, and Dwayne Wade is going to have to pick up the ball and have a monster game, or else Cuban and the Mavs are going to be on the road to SWEEP.

- Alright, more later, when, hopefully, things revert to some semblance of normalcy around here. Until then -- assuming I come out of this on top, who wants to be my assistant? Submit your resumes now.



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