Monday, August 14, 2006



- So I caught a free screening of DOOM at the Universal Studios lot this weekend, and of course there was no way I was gonna pass this one up - it's a videogame movie and it stars The Rock - meaning that it was a must-see. Haha, okay for many people those two factors are not exactly encouraging, but come on, where's yer sense of fun? Basically, Doom is a pretty bad movie. It's a B movie with a ridiculous script, one-dimensional characters, and almost no plot. But it is also fun as hell to watch if you go in with the right attitude. Go in ready to laugh, to mock, to not take things too seriously, and to see some stuff blown up real good, and you'll enjoy the movie as I did. And really, this is a problem that many people have. Because many people STILL somehow don't understand the differences between videogames and movies. Most videogames, with only a few exceptions, use plot and story only as a means of providing context to the actions of the player. These things are only secondary to the most important thing - gameplay. Since movies don't have interactivity, the only way they can really approximate the gaming experience is to at least try to recapture the visceral thrill of playing a game, where every moment is do or die and kill or be killed. In this way, Doom does a pretty bang up job. This movie earns its R rating with tons of ultra-violence, and some nicely done encounters between man and monster. With its pounding soundtrack and kinetic energy, Doom captures a part of the game, and I mean really, what else do you want? Also, the movie has a first-person perspective sequence that is simply kickass, looking like something right out of the game, and moving with an intensity and amazing level of choreographed violence that is pretty sweet to watch. In the end, this is really a poor mans' version of action classics in the commando squad vs. unstoppable beast genre, like Aliens or Predator. But for what it is, it's a fun little movie that just begs to be seen with a group of guys who can kick back, enjoy, make fun, and revel in the pure thrill of seeing The Rock wielding the BFG against some badass mutants.

My grade: B -


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