Friday, November 03, 2006

Jagshemesh! I like you, do you like me?

What up everyone? Can you feel it? The weekend is upon us, baby.

I'll reserve comment about Borat until after I see it, but man, you just know it's going to kick ass. Just this afternoon, my brother frantically called me from Boston where he had just seen the movie, and ranted nearly incomprehensibly about how funny the movie was. Ehen I first tried to expose Matt to the greatness of Ali G, he didn't see the humor in it, and only after my usual intense pushing of it on him and forcing him to watch every Borat sketch against his will did he finally come around. So of course, Matt is now a full-blown Borat convert, despite his early resistance. My point, I think, is that I AM A TRENDSETTER, baby.


- Apparently, I am the only one in America who tuned in to last night's season premiere of THE OC. I kind of see why, as last season was mostly subpar, but the positive reviews for the new eps got me curious, and who was I to shun the return of America's formerly favorite disfunctional Jewish family? And you know what? This was a pretty darn good episode. Melodramatic, cheesy, overly-angsty ... but dammit all isn't that why we loved the OC in the first place. All the characters were in top form - Seth Cohen seemed both endearing and not too cartoonish, Sandy Cohen was great as always, Julie Cooper was amusingly all over the place, Summer seemed more likable and intelligent than she's been in years, and Ryan was ... well, CAGE-FIGHTING. Yes, Ryan Atwood went all Wolverine in X-Men 1 on us, and while ridiculous, it was pretty amusing to watch. But, overall, the writing just seemd sharper than it has of late in this ep, and the plotlines seemed focused and universally entertaining. And as a geek-friendly bonus, this ep included numerous comic book references, and, to top it off ... a Buckaroo Banzai quote! Now, okay, some of the scenes here were tres cheesy, and the ending was a bit too convenient, but not bad, not bad at all ...

My Grade: B+

- Last night's OFFICE was pretty funny, though I had some issues with the plot, which hinged on Michael's awkward proposal. While the storyline was funny, we really haven't had any sense of the relationship between Michael and his girlfriend to this point, so even though we can kind of assume what their relationship is like just based on Michael's personality, it still felt like we didn't quite have enough info to judge Michael's hasty proposal. My point is, it's too bad we didn't see more of Michael and Carol's relationship up until now. But anyways, this was a fun episode that didn't have the belly laughs of the last few weeks but had some great character moments, and a lot of fun bits. Still my favorite comedy on TV.

My Grade: B+

-EARL I found pretty funny as well ... I loved Rosanne Barr's guest spot and overall found the ep pretty amusing.

My Grade: B+

Yes, that's 3 B+'s in a row ...

- Last night's SMALLVILLE was pretty decent, but really dragged towards the middle of the ep. I did love the interation between Lex and Jimmy Olsen though, and I also got a kick out of the ending scene with Clark holding the "S" insignia in his hand. Otherwise, the Phantom Zone plot was a little boring, and Mariah in my view was a pretty uninteresting character, and the whole "Clark meets another person like him and doesn't feel alone anymore" storyarc has been done to death by this point.

My Grade: B -

-- Alright ... have a great weekend everyone. If you don't, I will crush you!


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