Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Danny Reviews Veronica Mars and Gilmore Girls, Remains Imposingly Badass

Some quick TV thoughts while I have a few minutes ...

- VERONICA MARS last night was another good episode from one of my favorite series. And yet, aside from one or to episodes this season, I still feel like a certain something is missing. Maybe it's partly because until recently, the show has never emphasized its more soap-opera-y aspects, whereas the last few weeks have heavily focused on the on-again off-again Veronica-Logan romance. On one hand, this show handles their relationship better and more realistically than just about any other young-adult oriented show out there. On the other hand, all this romantic angst comes at the expense of the meat of the show - the mysteries. And despite how potentially compelling the Dean's murder mystery can and should be, I'm losing interest simply because it hasn't been focused on enough and there's not a compelling list of possible suspects that have been put under the spotlight. Also, Veronica being perpetually involved in soapy drama does kind of detract from her M.O. as a spunky loner / outcast, which to me was a big part of the show's original appeal. Not to mention that Logan has always been most interesting as a slightly psychotic loose cannon. Seeing him as a mopey and lovesick guy pining for Veronica is a lot less fun. Despite all that though, this show still is able to churn out great standalone mysteries, and of course can always be counted on to have some of the snappiest dialogue and sharpest characterization around. I'm always amazed at the show's ability to weave a mystery that keeps me guessing up until the final reveal, and last night was no exception. The story of a televangelist's pregnant daughter trying to find out the mystery culprit behind her drug-induced miscarriage was interesting, compelling stuff. I just miss the focus on the bigger, more dangerous, more epic mysteries as well as the foreboding film-noir atmosphere of Seasons 1 and 2 that has really been toned down as of late. Still, this is easily one of the best shows on TV, and as much as I appreciate it trying to capture a more mainstream audience, I hope it doesn't lose sight of what got it its hardcore fans in the first place. And P.S. -- where's Wallace?

My Grade: B+

- Meanwhile, GILMORE GIRLS is another show that has lost its way a bit this season, though I maintain its been consistently very good to excellent the last few months despite a few hiccups here and there. But I do admit that the show can sometimes cruise along on the strength of its characters and great cast, who can really hide some of the script weaknesses and give everything consistency. Last night though was one of those eps that I really enjoyed (and yes, it got to me - the whole thing was pretty sad), and yet I did keep thinking as I was watching that the dialogue was way too forced and not as clever as it was trying to be. Emily Gilmore's practicality and shrewishness as her husband lay in a hospital bed, for example, was a bit much even for her. And Lorelai and Rory's fast-paced banter really begged to be toned down given that this was supposed to be a more somber episode focusing on the aftermath of Richard's heart attack. Still, I enjoyed the overall plotline and like where they're headed with Luke vs. Chris, and the characters on this show remain some of my favorites on TV. And special mention to Edward Hermann here, who really anchored the episode with his remarkable acting and sheer likability. And man, you've got to feel bad for / root for Luke here. Damn that uncaring Christopher! Still, this was one of those eps that didn't quite live up to its dramatic potential due to a somewhat overreaching and trying-too-hard script. But the actors nearly made up for it with their great work here.

My Grade: B

- I know many have given up on LOST, and at one point I really was on the brink during the bad old days of Season 2. But man, I've really enjoyed Season 3 thus far. Since the show has really focused on a few core characters and their situation as captives of The Others, I feel like the lack of plot movement has been much easier to swallow since the focus has been narrowed. Tonight's episode is getting good buzz and I am psyched to see any sign of contribution from the great Brian K. Vaugn over the next few weeks. But still, please be giving me a few answers ASAP, or my enthusiasm will not be very long-lived. Still, as of right now, I'm pumped for tonight's ep.

- Alright, that was my quick roundup.

TOMMOROW: Danny gets a drug-test. Better avoid any Alicia Keyes concerts ...


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