Thursday, June 14, 2007

WIN OR GO HOME: NBA Finals Countdown, Why Fantastic 4 will probably suck, a Mr. Wizard Tribute, and MORE

QUICK UPDATE: I've given ABC's coverage of the NBA a lot of (rightfully deserved) crap. But HOLY LORD, that intro they've been doing to the Finals with all the great moments (Jordan, Magic, Rudy T, Hakeem, Walton, Bird, etc ...) is SEVEN KINDS OF AWESOME -- just watched and I have chills - NBA, baby! PS - that iconic call of Marv Albert calling Jordan's dunk "A SPECTACULAR MOVE!" is a reminder that, WTF, he should be calling these finals, contract with TNT be damned!

- So tonight, is it going to be a SWEEP for the San Antonio Spurs? I'm going to have to predict "yes." The Cavs are basically done, you can stick a fork in 'em. Of course, you know that in some secret room at NBA HQ, David Stern is rubbing his hands together as he puts his plan into motion to engineer the greatest comeback in NBA history. Can't you just imagine Stern, surrounded by a cabal of referees, and Lebron in some kind of cyrogenic tank, crafting their insidious plot? Realistically though, the Cavs have played like crap and Lebron, knowing that he needed to have consecutive monster games for his team to have a chance, has not risen to the occasion like he should, and has relied too much on his C-list teammates who have barely shown up to play this series.

But on that last game from Tuesday ... true, the Cavs played somewhat pathetically and if ever a game they would've-should've won, THAT was it. But STILL, how was no foul called in the final seconds, when Bruce Bowen INTENTIONALLY FOULED Lebron? That foul could very well have been deemed in the act of shooting, led to three free throws, and resulted in the game going to overtime. So yeah, the Cavs should never have gotten themselves into that position in the first place, but the fact remains -- TERRIBLE call by the refs.

So then, in light of this lackluster play by Lebron and the Cavs thus far in the finals ... was all the hype about that one game vs. the Pistons overstated? I think in a way, it was warranted - we saw Lebron put on a stellar, charismatic performance that harkened back to a vintage dominating game by the likes of a Jordan, Bird, or Barkley the likes of whuch we haven't seen in a long while. But we HAVE seen similarly spectacular games over the last few years from the likes of Tracy McGrady, Vince Carter, Gilbert Arenas, Baron Davis, etc - and yet all of those guys have, like Lebron, failed to put on consistent, winning efforts that would catapult them into that same "great" category of those aforementioned legends. Lebron's time as a Jordan-caliber star may yet come, but unless something big happens tonight, that one game has to be viewed as something of a blip ...


- I just want to point out how lame it is that Ain't It Cool contributor Memflix was fired from his day job as a projectionist simply for giving a bad pre-release review of Fantastic Four 2! What's even crazier is that this story ahs been picked up by CNN and many other major news outlets. It goes to show you how lame FOX is though. Soon after Memflix's original review appeared on AICN, a follow-up review got sent in calling BS on Memflix's bashing, going so far as to call his account of the film flat-out wrong, doubting if he had even seen it. More than likely, this was an attempt by FOX to plant a review to dmooth over the negative buzz the film's been getting.

FOX - if you don't want bad reviews then DON'T MAKE CRAPPY MOVIES! Especially movies that involve taking beloved properties and tacking them with actors who can't act and a director who has less artistic vision in his whole body than Jack Kirby had in his pinky. Look, I don't need a review to see that FF4-2 is likely going to be yet another slap in the face. Sure, the Surfer looks cool, and every fanboy worth his salt is going to be tempted to check this out just to see one of the all-time coolest character designs realized on the big screen. But, everything else about this movie screams "hack-job." There was enough wrong in Part 1 that made the jump to Part 2 to be nervous (blonde Alba, de-balled Dr. Doom, terrible writer/director combo), and there's enough bad buzz about the new elements (Galactus is a *cloud*, 'nuff said!), that this is a potential disaster-in-the-making. But dammit, they did something right and got Doug Jones to be the Surfer, and I'm sure for brief moments of coolness all is right in the world in this movie. But this is what really irks me ... people, professional critics, mostly, give a movie like this leeway by saying "it's just a comic," or "it's just a kid's movie." WTF. So a kid's movie has permission to be offensively awful, stupid, and bland? When you're talking about a property that was created by Lee and Kirby, servicable don't cut it. Kirby was one of the great American pop-artists of the 20th century - to see his characters and stories brought to life in such a bland fashion, in a way that all but ignores Kirby's boldness, flair, and style - is just a disgrace. Look at some of the comic book movies that have worked - you felt Mignola in Hellboy, could sense David Lloyd in V For Vendetta, saw the hand of David Clowes in Ghost World, the American iconography of Siegal and Shuster was there in Superman: The Movie. To translate a comic book - America's great VISUAL storytelling medium, into a film with zero artistic vision, is just inherently wrong.

- So, if anyone out there is looking for a GOOD movie to see this weekend, one that is INTENTIONALLY hilarious, please, see EAGLE VS SHARK. Check out my review below to see why it's one of the funniest films to come along in a long, long while.

- The new HULK movie is getting some amazing casting picks, which is remarkable since it's a reboot of a franchise that only a few years ago came out with a similarly well-casted entry. But adding William Hurt to a lineup that already includes Edward Norton and Liv Tyler ... well, man, this could be kind of awesome.

- I've already talked about how my most anticipated still-to-come summer movies are now mostly comedies, like Superbad, Balls of Fury, and The Ten. But as far as dramas go, tops on my list right now is easily STARDUST, the upcoming fantasy flick based on the Neil Gaiman graphic novel. This looks to be an instant-classic in the vein of The Princess Bride, and I cannot wait to check it out in August.

- And oh yeah, I still really need to see KNOCKED UP.

- Annnnnd ... just saw THIS: -- SWEET. BRING THIS $#%& on!


- So this weekend is going to be ridiculous. Me, Scott C., G-Man, and Aksel are all goin' to VEGAS~! Other than a few random stopovers in the Vegas airport, I have never been - so this will be my first time experienceing the sights and sounds of Sin City. I can't wait and hope to enjoy a healthy mix of craziness and relaxing good-times.

We're flying out tommorow evening, but I'm hoping that I have a chance to stop over at the NBC lot and see AVRIL LAVIGNE in concert at the Tonight Show. This will be my third time seeing Ms. Lavigne live at the show. Again, she's someone who I have a weird fascination with, but would probably never go so far as to see an actual concert of hers - so, seeing her do a hit song or two at Leno is the perfect middle ground. (commence mocking of me ... now).

But, um, yeah - anyone have any suggestions for things to do in Vegas? We are on a limited budget, but other than that have no concrete plans. Leave suggestions!

- Also - I will now officially be on the East Coast from June 30th to July 9th. Mostly in CT but also likely in NYC for a bit, maybe even Boston if there's time. Let me know if you'll be around.

- FINALLY ... a sad farewell to Don Herbert, aka Mr. Wizard, who passed away earlier this week. To me, Mr. Wizard was one of the truly great children's entertainers / educators, and I'd put him on that same level as a Fred Rogers. As a young kid I always loved watching Mr. Wizard's World on Nickelodeon, and while I never went on to be a science wiz, I have to think that that show was a large factor in my fascination with the ideas behind the science of things. But forget about me - this was a man who not only instilled a love of science into us ordinary kids, but who inspired kids who then went on to become top scientists themselves. A truly remarkable personality who exemplified the power of popular culture, and television specifically, to reach out into the ether and do good, worthy, wonderful things. Mr. Wizard - a guy who truly made science magic.

- Alright, that's all I've got for now - check back later, as always, for more low-calorie, all-natural goodness.


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