Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Okay just a quick reminder to get out and vote. Scroll down and read my detailed election analysis from the other day if you'd like, where I explain why I'm voting Democrat, why I'm voting for Obama, and why you really need to vote in today's primary if you live in a Super Tuesday state.

But think of it this way ...

... As a reader of my blog, I assume you are a smart, well-educated, forward-thinking person. That means that, if you go out and vote today, your vote will at THE LEAST cancel out the vote of some crazy, backwards-thinking nutbar, someone who ...

... thinks that Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9/11 ...

... thinks that an African American or a woman should not be president ...

... thinks that average joes should be able to own assault weapons ...

... thinks that the world was created thousands of years ago ...

... thinks that America is a Christian nation ...

... thinks that every word of the bible is literally true (cough*Huckabee*cough)

... thinks that being a successful businessman is the most important quality in a president

... votes for someone solely based on their name

... votes for someone solely based on what they look like

... votes for someone for no reason in particular

... votes for someone without being informed in the least

So get out there, cancel out the Idiot Vote, and let's help bring some dignity back to America of eight years of embarassment!


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