Monday, September 29, 2008

No Time For Tricks - I'm TWENTY-SIX!

Wow, what a weekend. I barely made it through work on Friday, feeling sick and about ready to drop. I sat at home and watched the debate, sipping on chicken soup and praying to the gods of sudafed that I'd be feeling better on Saturday, in time for my big birthday festivities. I was still a bit anxious on Saturday morning and into the afternoon - but luckily, about 10 hours of sleep, 3 bowls of chicken soup, and 1 chocolate milkshake later, I was at least on the road to recovery. I was finally beginning to feel like my old self as the evening hours approached, and as we headed over to Miceli's for my 26th b-day dinner, I was ready to roll.

Overall, Saturday was pretty awesome - good friends, good food, and then even more good times at Skinny's in NoHo. Bradd K. made the trip up from Newport Beach to celebrate. The G-Man, Seth E., Scott C., Kyle O., and The Kaiser Roll were in the house, as were Fowzia, the Brothers Eich, Steve R., Meghan B., Lauren S., Becca S., and more. Dinner was served with a healthy dose of political debate and summer movie analysis (two of my favorite topics), and court was in session, while we were serenaded by Miceli's trademark showtune-singin' staff. Later at Skinny's, we made fools of ourselves to the tune of a healthy selection of 90's hip-hop hits, the occasional 80's flashback, and an only-fitting finale of Sweet Child O' Mine.

Today (my actual b-day), was mostly just my day to be lazy and recover from the previous night's festivities. I slept late and read in bed until I forced myself to get up and get out. I cashed in a few gift certificates and picked up a few key DVD's / CD's / Blu-Ray's. I talked on the phone to my parents, grandparents, and brother. Uploaded my b-day photos. And settled in for the Sunday night tradition of watching The Simpsons, King of the Hill, and Family Guy. Not a bad way to spend a day.

But yeah, sometimes on my birthday I'll get a bit reflective and feel the urge to wax nostalgically about the year that was. But this is now my 26th year, baby. If anything, it's time to stop talking and get walking. Time to reconnect with what I'm passionate about, what my goals are, and reevaluate where I'm at and what I'm doing. Because I'm on a mission, a mission I started almost 4 years ago when I made the move from Bloomfield, CT to Burbank, CA. And if anything, turning 26 means that PHASE 1 is over and done with. And PHASE 2 begins now. Phase 1 was getting my foot in the door, finding my start, learning, observing, getting settled. Phase 2 ... well, I don't quite know what Phase 2 is ... yet. But it's time to stop coasting and to get back to thinking BIG.

This is when it's all going to happen. It's time to be the man. So watch out, Hollywood. There's a new kid in town, and he's ready to rock.


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