Sunday, April 12, 2009

From Bloomfield, CT - A Passover Interlude

Well, it's been a quick stay here in CT, and in a matter of hours I'll be boarding a plane headed back to Los Angeles. While it will be nice to get back to the sunny skies and endless excitement of LA, it was nice to take a couple of days to relax and spend time with family here in New England. Moreover, it was good to be back in Bloomfield during the Passover seders. While potential plans in LA were failing to really take shape, there was a certain comfort in sitting around our dining room table with my parents and grandparents, uncles and cousins, reciting the Seder from the same wine-stained haggadot that we've used since long before I was even born. In LA, every gathering is an event complete with theme and Facebook invite. In Bloomfield, it's just tradition.

I'll be back soon with a lot more, but wanted to get in a quick post, as is tradition, from the house in Bloomfield.


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