Wednesday, July 07, 2010

EMMY NOMINATION Pre-Announcement Picks: Who SHOULD Be Nominated!

Okay so, tomorrow are the Emmy nomination announcements, and most likely there will be all manner of lame picks announced in each category. Inevitably, the Emmys fail to be tastemakers, instead honoring what is safe, what is established, or, in some cases, series that are just so overwhelmingly buzzed-about that the Emmys simply have to acknowledge them. So yeah, something like Glee has nothing to worry about. Neither does Modern Family. So, I won't spend a lot of time campaigning for them to get nominated. Those series, that have fully crossed over into the mainstream, will be hard to ignore and will get plenty of nominations, to be sure. That said, shows that are a bit more out there, a bit on the fringe, so to speak, well, I'm not really confident that they'll get the love they deserve. To that end, here are my Top 10 picks for series and stars that *really* should get their proper respect come Emmy time:

1.) JOHN NOBLE for Best Supporting Actor in a Drama ... for his absolutely amazing, memorable, unique, and gravitas-infused performance as Walter Bishop on FRINGE. Noble was doing THE best acting on television or anywhere else in the universe, or multivers. He was the man, plain and simple, and if he isn't nominated it will be a crime!

2.) TIMOTHY OLYPHANT for Best Lead Actor in a Drama ... for kicking ass and taking names each week on Justified.

3.) FRINGE for Best Drama Series ... for usurping the likes of Lost and 24 this year as THE must-watch, hi-octane, mind-bending serialized drama on network television.

4.) COMMUNITY for Best Comedy Series ... for rebounding from a shaky start and becoming the most laugh-out-loud hilarious sitcom on the air.

5.) NICK OFFERMAN for Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series ... for being hilariouly awesome on Parks and Recreation as Ron Swanson - aka one of the main reasons why Parks has become a must-see comedy.

6.) HENRY IAN CUSICK for Best Supporting Actor in a Drama Series ... for upstaging every other member of the Lost cast as the enigmatic Desmond Hume, and instantly injecting new life into the show's sputtering final season when he reappeared, brotha.

7.) JANE LYNCH for Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series ... who is a lock to be nominated, yes, but still - Lynch is a true queen of comedy who deserves every ounce of praise she gets, and is absolutely stellar on Glee.

8.) JUSTIFIED for Best Drama ... for developing into the most consistently riveting, badass drama on the air after only one season. Justified is just that damn good.

9.) THE TONIGHT SHOW WITH CONAN O'BRIEN for Best Late Night / Variety Program ... for a great run that gradually evolved into something truly great, with a final series of farewell episodes that were truly memorable, amazingly hilarious, and just plain classic television.

10.) ADAM BALDWIN for Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy ... yes, I said ADAM. CHUCK, being alternatively a comedy and a drama (a dramedy, as the kids say these days), is difficult to classify in the Emmy's rigid system of genre division. But Chuck as a whole deserves some love for a great third season, and Baldwin is the show's most reliable utility player. As John Casey, he kicks ass and is always spot-on with his humor. CHUCK rocked this past year. Best Comedy, perhaps?

Bonus Pick: TY BURELL for Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy ... this one is so obvious that I hesitate to even bother mentioning it, but then again, I did mention Jane Lynch, so here's a shout out to Modern Family's MVP - as Phil, Ty Burell is a comedic tour de force every week. I think he's got to be the favorite to win it all.

Now, watch the actual Emmy picks suck. All I know is, if John Noble isn't nominated ... we riot!


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