Monday, November 29, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving from Bloomfield, CT

Well, I write this from my room in Bloomfield, CT ... about to wrap up another east-coast adventure.

It's been a fun couple of days, and I had a really nice Thanksgiving. Last year, my brother and I were "orphaned" in LA during Turkey Day, which isn't the worst thing in the world, but let's face it, it can be semi-depressing. Two guys, with limited cooking skills (in my case, *very* limited), attempting to create a makeshift Thanksgiving feast ... well, it doesn't tend to yield great results. For that reason, the idea of going home for the holiday this year looked more and more appealing as the months went by. And so we did - this past Tuesday, Matt and I boarded a Southwest plane from Burbank, bound for Hartford, CT.

Of course, having been pretty sick recently and still somewhat in recovery mode, the chance to go home and relax was in and of itself a pretty nice-sounding proposition. I got pretty frustrated though come Tuesday - after a week or so of feeling pretty good, and feeling like I was getting closer and closer to 100%, my throat really began to bother me again early in the week. It was pretty painful on Tuesday, and Wednesday it was particularly bad. I'm not sure if it was just being off medication, the suddenly-frigid temperatures in the LA area, or what - but luckily, by Thursday I started feeling better again, and as I type this, my throat is back to feeling pretty good, for the most part. The real downside was just that I didn't have as much energy as I would have liked, to go out and do stuff on, say, Wednesday. And also ... being a bit under the weather made me reluctant to take the weekend and travel to NYC as I had originally planned. Instead, I stuck around CT over the weekend.

But hey, I still had some fun times. My brother and I took my mom to see the latest Harry Potter movie (stay tuned for the review!). I stuffed myself silly on Thanksgiving and saw my grandparents, uncles, etc. - many of whom I hadn't seen in quite some time. Saturday, I got together with Bradd K. and another of his friends, and we hit the town in now-hopping West Hartford. Okay, hopping may be a bit much, but, well, maybe not. It's amazing how many new shops, restaurants, and bars there are in the West Hartford Center and the adjoining Blue Back Square. There's now even this random - yet pretty popular, apparently - club that opened right down the street from my old high school. Craziness. Of course, I made sure to grab some delicious east-coast pizza (Luna's, Bertucci's, etc.) while I was home as well. Yes, I have officially negated a good portion of the weight I lost while I was sick and on a diet of soup and yogurt smoothies. My brother and I also took the time to give my dad some culture, and show him a couple of recent Oscar-nominated films that he had missed. At the same time, the two of us spent several painful hours doing something that, I'm sure, many home-for-the-holidays twenty-somethings end up being forced to do: fixing their parents' computer. My parents' PC, of course, had a virus, and a very tricky one at that. Luckily, we finally destroyed the bugger (or so we hope!), leaving my dad free once again to surf the internet via AOL (you heard me). Finally, it wouldn't be a Baram family Thanksgiving without heated political debate around the dinner table. Oy.

There wasn't time to do everything. I feel bad that I didn't make it to New York to see friends, and even here in CT, I missed out on catching up with a couple of peeps. But hey, next time, right? Now, I'm mere hours away from the long trek back to Burbank. Tuesday it's back to the grind.

As tradition states, however, I am taking a few moments to humbly submit this blog post from Bloomfield by-god Connecticut. Check back soon for some new movie reviews, etc. - but for now, a belated Happy Thanksgiving!


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