Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Rocket to Mars: Veronica M, NBA, and 10,000 Hits!

Hey guys, just want to take a minute and say thanks for reading. As of this morning the blog has reached a milestone of 10,000 + hits, and sure it's not like I'm posting Google numbers or anything, but not bad for a humble blog about a regular Joe from Bloomfield, CT. Okay, so maybe it's obvious that people just can't get enough of my oh-so-insightful rants about TV, movies, politics, and everyday life. So that is why I will continue to strive to keep this thing updated and basically use it as a mechanism for convincing the world to appreciate the good stuff - basically, spreading my own personal gospel to an ever-growing legion of followers. So until everyone sees things my way, I will be compelled to keep writing and telling it like it is and fighting the good fight. Which means, well, I've got a lot of writing to do ...


Exhibit A in the fun of writing this blog -- spreading the word about underappreciated shows like this one, becaue: holy freaking crap, Veronica Mars last night was AMAZING. So much awesomeness from start to finish - this episode had me in the palm of its hand last night. I mean, how about that opening ten minutes? Wow! I think just about every VM fan was holding their breath, thinking that our boy Wallace was about to get blown away by the gun-toting crazy janitor with a vendetta with a capital V. I for sure was convinced for that moment that Wallace had just sacrificed himself and gone out like a hero, but luckily he survived. And you know, the character of Wallace really is one of the best on TV when you look at him and where he's come from. In a way, he really is the true hero of the show - a lone example of a guy who came from nothing (his introduction to Neptune High was being strung up on the flagpole by his boxers), and worked his way up the food chain (got into college, made it big on the basketball team, got the girl) on sheer will, talent, and smarts, and never compromised his morals or character to do so. The true heart and soul of the show. Anyways, man, this episode didn't let ANYONE off the hook. Well, except Aaron Echols. Man, I can't believe he was found not guilty. What an evil bastard. And whoah, who thought that Steve Guttenberg could be so menacing and creepy. Okay, I guess it's not THAT out of left field.

So yeah, we all pretty much figured that his character of Woody Goodman was a sketchball, but the question is - did he cause the bus crash? Seems to obvious to be the case at this point, and we know how much this show likes its twists. There's still a lot we don't know about Terence Cook - we know he fixed a game, but how does that tie into the bus crash, if at all? Okay, maybe his story is mostly resolved (looks like he's gonna be the mafia's bitch for a while ...), but what about everyone's favorite gold-digging femme fatale, Charisma Carpenter as Kendall Casablancas? We definitely have not gotten her full story yet either. It stands to reason that Beaver C (poor Alex!) suffered a little molestation at the hands of GoodWood, but I don't think he'd crash the bus, would he? No, but could he have been the one who actually raped Veronica way back when, as a way of somehow trying to get over his little league trauma? Could be - man that Beav has some baggage. As does his brother, Dick, who was absent in tonight's ep but seemes due for an appearance before all is said and done. Doesn't seem like he really had much involvement in the crash - but could THAT be the big twist? Then there's Gia Goodman, who has been portrayed as slightly loopy but not exactly a murderer. Still, she COULD be trying to protect her daddy's rep by offing one of his victims before the "outing of all outings" could take place. There's always the sleazy sheriff, but he's more of an antagonist to Keith Mars than a likely mastermind. Aaron Echols had to be involved SOMEHOW, but what his part was we don't really know, yet. Hey, did they ever find Lynn Echols' body? Man, I cannot wait for next week's inevitable revelations. Something tells me Gia Goodman is going to be involved in a huge twist, but I don't know. Predictions? Anyone?

Overall though, this episode had it all. They really piled on the tragedy, setting the stage for a truly epic finale next week. But there's so many loose ends, I can't see how they are going to wrap it up satisfactorilly next week in one episode. I haven't even mentioned Logan's ongoing saga, his relationship with Veronica, the issue of Veronica's mysterious sexual history, her collegiate prospects (I can't believe she blew off that test!), and so much more. And what about Weevil's tragic tale? Sure, he's a thuggish murderer and deserves to get caught and suffer, but who didn't want to see him ace that test and make his grandma proud?

Damn, this show is so freaking good. Everyone should check out the Season 1 and 2 DVD's this summer and if, please lord, it comes back for Season 3, you MUST get on this bandwagon. It's provided two of the best seasons of TV EVER thus far, and man, next week we are in for one hell of a finale.

My grade: A+


You know, after the superlative episode from a few weeks ago that featured Lane's wedding, this show just seems to be in a downward spiral as it prepares for the Palladinos' departure at season's end. I just am not a big fan of what is going on with the characters right now, and with a creative regime change next season, I don't really have faith that these issues are going to be resolved to the fans' satisfaction. I mean, okay - the show has, for a long time, been fated to go in a certain direction. That direction is Luke and Lorellai getting married and having a kid and starting a life together, and Rory dumping Logan, maybe finding a more down to earth guy, and going off on her own towards a promising career as a journalist. And yet, this season has been one giant bump in the road towards that ending, which is fine, to a degree. At this point, Luke and Lorellai have had their quarells, patched things up, and should be ready to face anything together. Now though they are on the rocks due to this stupid kid issue which is not convincing as a plot device that would drive such a wedge between them. And by all accounts, Rory should have dumped Logan a long time ago, in fact, she DID. And yet now she's back with him playing the role of doting nurse after he pulls yet another asshole move. So yeah, still love the voice of this show and the quirky characters and the humor, but when all the lead characters are being portrayed as so unlikable and unsympathetic, and as straying so far from the path they had been headed on for years, it really is kind of depressing to watch. Anxious for next week's finale, but the thought of the ep ending with Lorelai and Chris together is kind of nauseating. My grade: B -

Okay, now that I've totally made everyone question my masculinity, it's time for some NBA talk ...


- Rajah Bell lays the smack down on Kobe! Okay, so a small, small part of me was kind of smirking as Kobe got Bubba-bombed to the floor last night by Bell. But the less bitter and Kobe-hating side of me says: Rajah Bell, you seriously f'd up. Barkley put it best in his post-game commentary - all Rajah Bell did was help hand the Lakers the series. He's going to have them fired up for Game 6, which should be a thriller, and, he has likely taken himself out of the game as well, which is too bad as he's pretty much the only Sun who has proven that they can defend Kobe. So bad move, Bell, you should have kept your emotions in check, especially with the game long-since won.

But, come on, all you Lakers fanboys. Don't even try to pretend that Kobe is an innocent in this situation. He was elbowing and chipping away at Rajah all night, and his cocky attitudes when it comes to the refs, with EVERY call being met with complaints, is just grating.

Looking forward to Game 6, as is, of course, David Stern and his cronies. Hmm, how convenient that Rajah acted when he did, totally changing the outlook for the next game in the blink of an eye ... let the conspiracy theories continue ...

- Big win for Miami. Gotta admit I do kind of want to see the Heat take on the Cavs in Round 2 ... Wade vs. James = daaamn.

- And for those of you who put too much stock in Rajah Bell's Stone Cold-esque move last night, it's not that big a deal - what, have we all turned into a society of anti-hard foul wimps? Yes, it was bad, but nothing Bill Lambier wouldn't have approved of back in the day. And I can't think of a more deserving recipient of a little rough justice on the court.

Okay, maybe that was a tad bit harsh. But as Bill Walton might say: "Come on, this is the playoffs."


- Some great trailers made the rounds on the net yesterday, including an amazing visual tour de force for PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN 2. Wow, looks awesome. I love the visual creativity and the crazy CGI f/x. It looks like what was once an underdog, sleeper hit is now THE franchise to beat this summer. Can't wait.

- Of course, the other big, nay, supersized trailer was for SUPERMAN RETURNS. Finally, some footage to sink our teeth into - it's about time. Okay, so visuals looked great, the whole thing LOOKS like one giant Alex Ross painting brought to life, which is cool. But, I still don't like a lot of what I see. I hate Lois being married and having a kid. Routh still looks too young and effeminate to be Superman, let alone a Superman supposedly returning after a long absence. And Bosworth as Lois looks way too young as well. Now, I WAS really excited for Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor, but here he seems to be doing his best Gene Hackman impersonation, which in my mind is really a bad sign. I was anxiously anticipating Spacey bringing the cold, calculating, badass Lex of the comics and animated series to life. Now it seems we get crazed loony Lex ala the original movies. Dammit. Ugh, this is just so depressing. I want a big superhero epic and it looks like we are getting a nice looking but dull Donner homage that is straying too far from the mythos and not providing the action-adventure extravaganza that I and others were hoping for.

- As for X-3, I HAD been pleasently surprised by the trailers, but damn if the new footage shown on Leno doesn't look like crap. Cheap looking Sentinel head - I can't believe they don't even show the whole body - what a cop out! And the whole fastball special scene, while a nice idea, just looks cheesy as hell, as does Collossus. Lame dialogue and questionable f/x = starting to re-lose my faith in this movie. Still, Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan are sure to bring the gravitas ...

On that note, I'm outta here - keep the hits coming. 10,000 and counting. Stay tuned - because how else are you going to know what's cool if not from this blog? Whooooooooo.


Anonymous gman said...

Congrats on the 10K now thats cool

1:59 PM  

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