Friday, November 17, 2006

This Blog is Either an A or an A+. Oh, Wait, I Forgot There's an A++ ...

And so I wearily say what's up as I trudge through this Friday and look forward to the weekend ahead. As you can see, I'm testing out the new version of Blogger, hence the slightly modified look to the blog. I still wish that it was more customizable so that an artistically-predisposed (but not web design savvy) person like me could play around with the color, design scheme, et, and maybe even incorporate my own graphics into the site ...

Speaking of design though - I have a worldwide exclusive for you, faithful readers. Probably the most fun thing I've worked at in this job so far will launch worldwide next Tuesday. Starting on the 21st, go to iTunes and on the SciFi Channel page you'll see an all-new section - SciFi and Fantasy Classics. I wrote the copy and helped design the page, so I'm very proud of this. The first two shows launching on the 21st are Hercules and Xena, so any Sam Raimi fans should definitely check out these two fun shows, available for the first time on iTunes. Coming soon will be Sliders (my personal fave), Tremors, Rod Serling's Night Gallery, Nightsalker (the original series), The Incredible Hulk, and, for all you Battlestar fans, the original 1970's Battlestar Galactica series. So spread the word - all your favorite SciFi / Fantasy shows will soon be on iTunes, starting THIS COMING TUESDAY!

- As for this coming weekend, should be fun, that is, if I can get in a little rest and overcome my current state of exhaustion. Tonight I'm hoping to check out the new Bond, which I am slightly psyched for after so many overwhelmingly positive reviews. Probably will hold off on trying to see Stranger Than Fiction or For Your Consideration until next weekend ... Saturday is a farewell party for former NBC page Megan, who is leaving Hollywood for less crazy parts of the country, and Sunday is a pre-Thanksgiving dinner where a bunch of BU'ers and others will attempt to assemble a potluck meal. Should be interesting ...


- For the most part, I thought NBC hit a creative homerun last night with it's supersized must-see-TV block. I LOVED the little promo at the end of the night that touted the laugh-track free nature of the new comedy block on Thursdays - with the brilliant slogan of "you'll know when to laugh." Very clever and definitely a message-sender of out with the old, in with the new.

- Earl last night was very entertaining, had a bunch of laughs and featured one of my favorite actors, Christian Slater, in a guest role. Good stuff, and funny use of claymation for select sequences. My Grade: A -

- The supersized OFFICE was a classic. From the hilarious "Lazy Scranton" video featuring a rapping Michael and Dwight, to the duels between Dwight and Ed Helms, to the well-handled triangle between Jim-Pam-Karen, this was great stuff. Ed Helms just stole the show as Andy - "Do you know anything about movies?" "I know EVERYTHING about movies." Multiple segments of the show were brilliantly written and this ep had maybe the best blend of absurdist humor and understated character moments I've yet seen on the show. I'll give this ep the highest possible compliment - it really reminded me of the best aspects of the British version of The Office. My Grade: A
(sorry, Michael, no A++)

- Of the three shows last night, I thought only 30 Rock faltered a bit due to the extended length of the episode. This was one of the weaker eps of the show, and the lack of many laugh out loud moments exposed the somewhat thin characters and shaky premise, which to this point have mostly been negated by the sheer hilarity of Tracy Morgan, Alec Baldwin, etc. Oh, and where in the name of the Peacock was the NBC Page character this week? Hmmm ... Overall, this ep had me somewhat bored ... not my favorite thus far. My Grade: C+

- Okay, help! I realized that through some crazy glitch, I lost this past week's eps of Veronica Mars and Gilmore Girls that I had thought to be recorded! Does anyone have them on tape or DVD?!?! Aaaah, this sucks ... and especially since I finally watched LAST WEEK'S ep of VM and it was freakin' awesome and ended on a killer cliffhanger. I must see the new ep ASAP ... and of course CW is the one net that doesn't stream their shows OR have them on iTunes. Come on! Help, anybody?

- Last night also marked the debut of KURT ANGLE on TNA, during their 2 hour primetime special on Spike TV. While it was great to see the Olympic Hero again, as intense as ever, TNA showed that their show, particularly the booking, needs some serious work. Am very curious where they go from here, but fearful that Vince Russo's presence behind the scenes is giving the show a much more confusing and nonsensical booking style than it needs at this crucial juncture. A lot NOT to like here, though the Christian Cage / Rhyno match was pretty sweet, I'll admit.

- Whoah, I just realized that Claire on Heroes is the same actress who was Malcolm's zany friend / love interest / foil on Malcolm in the Middle during its last few seasons! Wow, never occurred to me until I caught a Malcolm rerun and noticed the resemblance. Definitely refelcts highly on the actress as she is playing totally against type in terms of her fast-talking, goofy comedy on Malcolm vs. her sullen, teen-angst filled turn on Heroes.

- Two big eps next Monday, as HEROES and PRISON BREAK both end big storyarcs. Now they can finally stop saying "Save the Cheerleader ... save the world!" They will stop saying that, right?

- Speaking of Heroes, I again thought this week's ep was pretty good. I love the twist of Hiro going back in time but not returning - that opens up all kinds of cool storytelling possibilities, and who doesn't love a good time-travel-paradox yarn? I still think Mohinder is annoying though, and his dream-powers seem very vague and kind of useless, derivative even of other characters on the show. He does look a little like the Neil Gaiman Sandman though, kinda ... So again, I am really enjoying the show at this point, and love it's fearlessness in moving the plotlines foreard at a satisfyingly quick pace. I'm just still waiting for that little extra bit of oomph that will propell it into high gear. My Grade: B+

- And congrats and thank the TV gods that Veronica Mars got picked up for a whole season. It looks like things are really picking up story-wise and this show needs to get some kind of push from the CW ... come on guys, wake up!

- Alright I'm out for now. Have a good weekend, if you weeeeeeeel.


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