Friday, February 23, 2007


Alright there kids, strap in.

First of all, this has been the longest four-day work week ever, so thank the lord it's the weekend. Some good movies this weekend - looking forward to Reno 911 - anything that is spawned from the late great THE STATE deserves a look in my book. May also check out a free Universal screening of Breach, which looks to be a decent thriller.


This weekend though, the big story in entertainment is The Oscars, which, really, did a pretty decent job this year of nominating a worthy crop of movies. I mean, is anyone really THAT upset that Dreamgirls didn't get a nod for Best Picture? I'm not. Okay, I didn't even see the movie, but the reality is that all of the nominated flicks (except maybe save Babel - I've heard very mixed things) are pretty Oscar-worthy. If anything, UNITED 93 should have been put in the Best Picture mix. Honestly, I don't know why it got left out. And after having seen it, finally, I really think that THE LAST KING OF SCOTLAND was more than worthy of being in the race as well. It was definitely more than just Forest Whitaker - it was expertly directed, well-told, a great movie.

To me, the two biggest omissions were genre flicks THE PRESTIGE and THE FOUNTAIN. Both, I realize, left audiences divided over their merits. But both were amazingly directed, for one thing - where is the love for perenially snubbed Christopher Nolan and, also, for the wunderkind that is Darren Aranofsky? Hugh Jackman did great, great work in both movies and deserved recognition as well. Another big one to me is Hugo Weaving in V FOR VENDETTA. The timing of the film's release was far from ideal for attracting Oscar buzz, but still - that is a performance that will be remembered and praised years from now.

But honestly, to me the two best movies of the year were THE DEPARTED and LITTLE MISSS SUNSHINE, so I'm more than happy to see both receive so much recognition. As for how I feel about the individual categories ...


I'm Rooting For: Either Departed or Little Miss Sunshine. I loved both movies and love to see either win. In a way, I almost want Sunshine to win just to stick it to all the people who backlashed against this movie. Then again, does a beloved indie comedy really need an Oscar to be legitimized? Not really. I still have to see Iwo Jima as well ...

Will Win: This one really could go in a number of ways. But I'll bet on Eastwood and go with LETTERS FROM IWO JIMA. Scorcese is a lock for director, but I doubt he'll get best picture as well. Babel had too many mixed reviews. And ... a comedy winning Best Picture? Very rare, and I don't know if Sunshine would be the one to break the glass cieling, even if I'd love to see it happen.


I'm Rooting For: Scorcese or Paul Greengrass. United 93 was an AMAZING directorial achievement. Gotta love Marty as well, and he deserves it with the Departed more so than he did for Gangs of New York or The Aviator.

Will Win: This is Scorcese's year, no doubt. Anything else would be a huge upset.


I'm Rooting For: Forest. He was a tour de force in Last King of Scotland.

Will Win: It's gotta be Forest. He was too good not to win.


I'm Rooting For: Don't really care. I enjoyed Judi Dench in Scandal but its not like she's an underdog or anything. I haven't seen any of the other nominated actress' movies.

Will Win: Come on, this is Helen Mirren's year, barring a huge upset.


I'm Rooting For: Alan Arkin. He was hilarious in Little Miss Sunshine and in many ways was the heart and soul of that movie. Wahlberg was great in Departed but basically one-note comedy relief. The others I haven't seen.

Will Win: I'm going to go out on a limb with this one and say Alan Arkin. The ensemble cast of Little Miss Sunshine was too good not to honor in any way, and this will be where the movie gets its due. Of course, Eddie Murphy is the favorite but I have one word for you: Norbit.


I'm Rooting For: Abigail Breslin. Yep, she's just a little kid. But she totally owned her part in LMS. She was simply great. On the other hand, it is kind of annoying to think of a nine year old kid winning an Oscar ... but she's just so darned lovable. Also, I gotta kind of root for Jennifer Hudson even though I've yet to see Dreamgirls. After all, she's from BLOOMFIELD, CT! My home town, baby!

Will Win: Jennifer Hudson will be Dreamgirls' big victory of the night. Bet on it.


I'm Rooting For: Little Miss Sunshine. Forced quirkiness? Maybe. But this was a movie that just brilliantly walked the line between moving and funny. This is some great writing.

Will Win: Little Miss Sunshine. I think. Was Babel really that well-written? I think LMS is the most writer-centric movie of the noms, and therefore should and will win.


I'm Rooting For: The Departed. This was a damn good adaptation and a crackling, badass script. Children of Men's weakest aspect was its script. Borat should win SOMETHING for being so brillaintly hilarious, but not best screenplay.

Will Win: The Departed. Great writing, classic crime drama mixed with a wicked sense of humor.


I'm Rooting For: Pan's Labrynth. Guillermo Del Toro is a true creative visionary, and this was a movie worthy of rcognition.

Will Win: Pan's Labrynth.



Should Win: Cars
Will Win: Cars


Should Win: Pan's Labrynth (THE FOUNTAIN! should win!)
Will Win: Pan's Labrynth


Should Win: Don't Care.
Will Win: Somehting from Dreamgirls. I'll go with "Listen."


Should Win: Pan's Labrynth
Will Win: Pan's Labrynth


Should Win: Children of Men
Will Win: Children of Men


Should Win: Curse of the Golden Flower
Will Win: Dreamgirls


Should Win / Will Win: Pan's Labrynth


Should / Will Win: An Inconvenient Truth


Should Win: Don't Care.

Will Win: Dream Girls


Will Win: Letters From Iwo Jima


Should Win: Pirates II
Will Win: Pirates II


Should Win: The Departed
Will Win: The Departed


Check out my last two posts for my many thoughts on the end of THE OC. One thing to add: the line that I loved on last night's episode was towards the end, when Seth told Ryan that he had done some research on Ryan's new college roommate, and that he may be in for some trouble since the guy listed "The Da Vinci code as both his favorite book and movie." Classic.

- The OFFICE last night was very solid. Not as riotous as last week's episode, but a lot of fun stuff between Michael and Jan - finally giving some odd but palatable logic to their seemingly mismatched relationship. Dwight as always had me cracking up. And the Pam stuff was pretty bleak but well-done. Also - Creed is becoming increasingly more hilarious by the week. I'd still like to see the relationship drama take place more in the background though, and keep the comedy at the forefront.

My Grade: B+

- MY NAME IS EARL was once again pretty entertaining. Nothing mind-blowing, but solid comedy that is very watchable and goes down easy. I enjoyed the flashback story and Jason Lee continues to kick ass. If only he had sharper writing to work with.

My Grade: B

- Have yet to see this week's 30 Rock. And of course, I still need to catch up on VERONICA MARS.


- RIP to Dennis Johnson, one of the true greats of Celtic basketball and an NBA legend. DJ was one of the quintissential pointguards of 1980's-era professional basketball, and in many ways he was the glue that held the Celtics dynasty of that period together. Sad to see a great go so young.

And while I'm on the subject - RIP to Mike Awesome, one of the most extreme athletes I've ever seen. Tuning into one of his famed ECW hardcore fights was just what the doctor ordered back in the day. I mean, what's more therapeutic than watching Mike Awesome Awesome-bomb Masato Tanaka through two wooden tables? Some of the sickest matches I've ever seen. Goodbye to a true hardcore legend.

Alright, TIME FOR THE WEEKEND. Have a good one.


Anonymous Liz Liggett said...

Well done on your Oscar picks! You even guessed many of the upsets!

9:48 AM  

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