Friday, June 22, 2007

Another 48 Hours ...


That is all I can say about the last few weeks. After a great time in Vegas, I was exhausted and ready to wind down for a week of idle relaxation. But that was not meant to be, as tonight begins 48 hours of the 48 Hour Film Fest. I am part of a large group that is putting something together for this weekend's fest. That means that tonight, I will be writing a script for our short film based on the genre we are assigned, which will also include an obligatory line of dialogue and prop as given to us. Tommorow the script will be shot, and edited on Sunday. In 48 hours, we will have a completed film.

Of course, I am quickly reminded of the trials and tribulations of putting together a diverse group of creative people who are coming from radically differing wavelengths and sensibilities. Anyone who knows me (or even reads my blog), knows that I have a pretty unique creative sensibility, one that some people get, and others don't. So it'd be one thing if this was a team that I assembled filled with people who shared my specific sense of humor or perspective on drama. But this is far from that, so it's going to be interesting to see how this pans out and how much of my voice makes it into our end product. Suffice to say, I am slightly freaking out.

Actually, most of my freaking out right now is due to the following dillemna: All this time, I've been under the impression that our films would be screened following the deadline to turn them in this Sunday. In fact, our group has been assigned to a screening set to take place next Saturday. Problem is, next Saturday morning I am scheduled to be on a plane heading home to Conencticut for a week! Sonova ...

I HATE this kind of thing. All I needed to know was a simple itinerary - a list of relevant dates for this filmfest. And the one crucial date, that of the screening, was somehow NEVER conveyed to me. Dammit. What I'm hoping for now is that our group can pull of a last-minute switch and change our screening to next Friday. Of course, as I attempt to do this, it feels like every force in the universe is conspiring against me to prevent this from happenening.

Anyways, I am chomping at the bit to see which genre we are assigned. It could be anything from comedy to sci-fi to romance to superhero, so this is a project that could potentially go in a number of different directions. Let's hope we can pull it off.


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