Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Live and FREEZING in NYC.

This blog comes to you live from the Big Apple, where I just completed my first full day of our NBCU offsite event. It was a loooooooooooong (did I mention long?) day of nonstop meetings and abut 374 powerpoint presentations, though there was some interesting stuff mixed in, from a talk given by Jeff Ross, the EP of Late Night With Conan O'Brien (a man who I obtained coffee and dog medicine for, among other things, whilst an intern at Late Night way back when ... hahaha), to a session with some of the top dogs at the SciFi channel, which was really interesting.

But man, our flight out of Burbank got delayed yesterday morning - it was supposed to leave at 10:45 am and didn't take off until almost 1 pm. Then we had to stop in Salt Lake City for what they said would be a few minutes but turned into well over an hour. Suffice to say we didn't get in to JFK airport until after midnight, and I didn't get to sleep until much later than that. So, yay for 9 am Eastern Standard Time all-day meetings on a mere few hours of sleep.

Also, this afternoon it wasn't too cold here in the city ... but holy lord ... after our NBCU group's little social outing at this place called The Slate, I went back to Times Square to meet up with Erica C. And IT. WAS. FREEZING. Maybe it was the fact that I was used to LA weather, or just that I didn't have a warm enough coat on, but, dayum.

Anyways, tomorrow is going to be another long day, and the head honcho himself, Jeff Zucker, will be speaking to our group. Should be interesting. I'm looking forward to just taking some time for myself in the afternoon though - walking around, making the obligatory stop at Midtown Comics, etc.

But right now, all I want to do is SLEEP. So goodnight, readers. Who knows where my next blog will come from. 

PS - apologies to any friends in NYC who I either didn't have a chance to contact or else did but wasn't able to / won't be able to hang out with. They have us booked morning to night here, and I'm only here for a short time before I go to CT for the weekend. I'll see you guys next time I'm in New York, or, even better, come visit me in LA!


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